Meret König

moving , visual , poetry

Stage me adorably tender, stage me risky epicness

I like 

Düsteres, Dunst und schummriges Licht

Sprache in Fetzen dazu verkörperte Phänomene 

Symmetrie und antagonistische Prinzipien 

I am 

looking for happy accidents

finding constellations 

power in my silliness 

cooking with coolness, cleverness 

and Mut

Kontext Subtext Klartext geflext

Meret lernt Text wie ein Laserprinter

und das isch nöd emal gloge 

Meret König (they/them/he/she), born 2000 in Berlin, is a mover, physical theatre maker and writer. They studied Physical Theatre at the Folkwang UdK, where they devised several short pieces, such as MOTTE in cooperation with the composer Katrin Meier and "Wenn wir Glück haben dann löst es uns ganz auf" co-created with Carla Wyrsch. In their works, they aim for visually impactful pieces, using objects, images and abstraction, but also to create a personal, poetic spoken- and moving-language. Currently they are working and performing the shop window project "Gloomy Sunday" with the MARTHA Collective (Katrin Meier, Gaia Pellegrini, Andrina Imboden and Meret König). 

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